Overview of your current application

(Please review and press the 'Submit' button, at the bottom of this page,
to submit your application.)

*Name of Organisation

Please enter full address of the Organisation

*Telephone Number


Fax Number, if applicable


*Email Address


Organisation's Registered Charity Number

If your organisation is a School, PTA or exempt charity, please enter 123456 in this field


Company Number, if applicable


Organisation's Website Address


*Contact Full Name - (Title / First Name / Last Name)


*Job Title/Office


The details supplied in the following question will be used for all correspondence. You will need to enter these details even if they are the same as those already entered in question A2


Correspondence Address


*Telephone Number


Fax Number, if applicable


Contact Email Address

An email acknowledgement and a copy of the application will be sent to this address


Organisation background or additional financial information

Please tell us any information relating to recent changes in your Organisation structure or use this space to provide any additional financial information with regard to the entries made below. You should use the most recent financial accounts when completing these questions and the information should correlate to the year end confirmed in C2.

You will also be required to upload a copy of the latest financial accounts in section G of this application. 


For the following questions if your Organisation is not a Registered Charity but the project is associated with a Registered Charity, you will need to enter the financial information of the associated Registered Charity


Please enter the financial year/period end of the latest accounts 


Please enter the following financial information from the Organisation's latest accounts

Amounts can only be expressed as whole numbers. If the Free Reserves/Unrestricted Funds were in deficit at the year end, please annotate as such in the text box at C1

Total Income/Receipts

Total Expenditure/Payments

Net Income or Net Receipts

Net Expenditure or Net Payments

  • *

    Free Reserves/Unrestricted Funds

  •      ?

    Net Assets

    The totals of C7 and C8 should correlate to the Balance Sheet and supporting notes of the Organisation's annual accounts. If you wish to provide further comments in regard to the reserves position and changes in activity since the financial year end, please do so in C1.


    Use of Free Reserves/Unrestricted Funds


    The Trustees aim to ensure that the grants the Charity makes will make a difference. They do try and target their donations towards charities where the amount requested could not reasonably be afforded from the charity’s own reserves or where there is insufficient income to cover the running costs that they are being asked to fund. Where an applicant has significant reserves the Trustees would request that the applicant state why the funding could not be paid out of these reserves. If you are seeking a grant in excess of 4 times your free reserves, please provide a statement on the use of your reserves.


    *Title of the project for which the funding is being requested


    Principal activities of the Organisation (no more than 50 words)

    These are usually defined in the Annual Report of your financial accounts

    D3 *Description of the project (no more than 150 words)

    Aims and Objectives of the project (no more than 80 words)

    Please outline the aims of the project for which funding is being requested and the objectives that you hope to achieve for the learning disabled such as how they may be engaged, the opportunities that will be provided for them, what experiences they may have, any skills that may be acquired.

    *Have you read the Fund's Eligibilty Criteria and definition of Learning Disabilities?


    Please confirm the number of individuals with learning disabilities/intellectual disabilities who will benefit from the project.

    This can be shown as a number or %. Where this figure is 100% please further clarifty the number that 100% represents


    Please give a brief overview of the conditions and needs of the individuals who will benefit from the project.


    We would be looking for you to demonstrate that the project fits the Fund's criteria. Please review the Eligibility guidance, select the help text (?)

    *Amount requested,
    please include pence eg. £250.


    Please state the specific purpose for which the grant-aid is required (no more than 30 words)

    Please read the help text (?) below before completing the next question.


    *Should a grant be awarded, please state the exact name of the Organisation in whose favour it should be drawn. It is extremely important that the correct name is stated.


    What is the total cost of the project?

    We only require costings to be entered as round pounds


    Detail how the figure in E1 is arrived at.

    If you have any supporting paperwork or a detailed breakdown relating to your comments in E2, you can upload a file to our website. This facility can be found in section G of this application.


    How much money, if any, have you already raised for this project? If you have not raised any money please input '0' in the box.

    We only require costings to be entered as round pounds


    From what source(s) has this income been obtained?

    If you have entered zero in E3, please detail fundraising efforts. The Trustees will wish to see that you are actively fundraising from other sources.

    *Is the project receiving financial support from the statutory services? If Yes, give details. If No, have you established whether or not it is eligible for such support?


    *Are you applying for a grant for the purpose of employing individual(s) with a learning disability in your own enterprise?

    *If you have answered Yes to E6, have you downloaded and completed the Health and Safety questionnaire located on our website within the How To Apply heading and then General Applications Guidelines.

    Are you applying for a grant for the purposes of sponsoring or arranging the placement for employment of individuals with a learning disability at the establishment of a third party?


    *If you have answered Yes to E8, do you agree to the following statement?

    I acknowledge in connection with the Application for a grant from the Baily Thomas Charitable Fund for the purpose of placing an individual or individuals with a learning disability(s) that it is our responsibility to take all necessary steps for securing the health, safety and welfare of all such individuals to the same extent and in the same manner as an employer is required to do in relation to employees by or under the relevant legislation, including any associated approved codes of practice, for the time being in force.


    Have you contacted your referees?


    An application cannot be heard until written references have been received. Please contact your referees and ask that they submit their reference within 14 days from your initial contact. Please view the help (?) available for full instructions and an example template for your use.

    *Referee (1) Full Name - (Title / First Name / Last Name)

    Job title/Position


    Contact Organisation

    Full Address
    *Telephone Number

    *Email Address

    *Referee (2) Full Name - (Title / First Name / Last Name)


    Job Title/Position


    Contact Organisation

    Full Address
    *Telephone Number

    *Email Address


    With reference to section C

    Please attach your latest annual report and accounts. Should a more up-to-date set be available before the next scheduled Baily Thomas Charitable Fund Trustees' meeting, please forward a copy to Ann Cooper, Secretary to the Trustees, TMF Global Services (UK) Limited, 960 Capability Green, Luton, LU1 3PE.

    If you prefer to submit your annual report and accounts via the post, please do so immediately upon submission of your application or as soon after as is possible. Please send them to the Secretary and mark them with the "online reference" (this number will be allocated at the outset of your application and will be confirmed in the email acknowledgement which you will receive automatically upon submission.)


    With reference to question E2

    Project costings file


    With reference to question E6

    If you have answered Yes to this question please upload your completed Health & Safety Questionnaire (your application will not be considered if you have not uploaded or emailed this to us).


    Any other documents (not photopraghs)

    As much as we enjoy looking at photographs of Organisations' work, we would rather you did not send such information as it is not necessary.


    Please upload your Safeguarding policy document(s).


    Please read the help (?) notes




    Before you can submit your application please press the 'REVIEW' button. You will be taken to a screen that displays all of the questions and your replies in one continuous format, press 'REVISE' (located at the bottom of the page) to make adjustments to your replies. Only when you are satisfied with the content of your application should you press 'COMPLETE' (located at the bottom of the page). You will not be able to amend your application once this button is pressed.

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